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16 February 2017
Clean video reveal project in After Effects
Create a real-life After Effects project and use it for your videos! Learn After Effects basics along the way!
2434 2146
13 February 2017
2D Game Art for Non-Artists
Create beautiful cartoon art with a modern edge, and harness light and shading techniques to give your work depth
1404 1190
30 January 2017
Setting Up Adobe Illustrator CS6 CC For Maximum Productivity
Set up Adobe Illustrator CS6/CC to make you a more productive graphic artist. Beginners to Experts welcome!
2140 1797
30 January 2017
iMovie para iOS, edita tus vídeos donde quieras
Pequeño curso gratuito en el que vemos como editar nuestros vídeos en movilidad con iMovie para iOS...
502 409
30 January 2017
Lerne Zeichnen Lite | Du beginnst, ein Portrait zu zeichnen
Du lernst die anfänglichen Grundlagen, wie Du ein schnell und einfach, Schritt für Schritt ein Gesicht zeichnest
1349 1254
30 January 2017
Adobe Spark   Post / Page / Video
If you have no experience with Adobe Spark this is a great place to start.
1623 1384
30 January 2017
Adobe Illustrator Course in Urdu Basics Level Training
Learn Graphic Designing
5051 4022
30 January 2017
Introductie tot Architectuur tekenen met AutoCAD 2013
Maak kennis met Autodesk AutoCAD, een populaire CAD software en hoe je die inzet bij 2D Tekeningen voor architecten.
1230 840
27 January 2017
Adobe illustrator For UI / UX Design
How to use Adobe illustrator for UI / UX Design all things you need to know .
8916 7497
08 January 2017
How to Animate Logos for Companies & Brands
Practical Animation that Brings Logos to Life In 1 Hour or Less
12658 11285
06 January 2017
Design and Animate a Vintage Badge in After Effects
A Project-Based walk thru on creating and animating a vintage badge, finished with snow and sound effects!
12717 11629
26 December 2016
3D CAD Fundamentals with SIEMENS Solid Edge
STEM to STEAM - An Artistic Approach to 3D Modeling
9642 7187